Monday, August 11, 2008

gingerbread men

ben was eating some animal crackers today, so i leaned over and asked, 'would you consider it immoral to feed rabbit animal crackers to bunnies?'

he paused and said, 'we eat gingerbread men, right?'

welcome to 'KOMBing the net,' the brain child of two awesome guys; ben meyers and kyle ott. we don't know what this will be quite yet, but with two brilliant individuals at the helm why would we have to tell you? you would come so you could brag to your co-workers that you stayed up to seen what the komb brought you. you would stay to catch the juicy drops of content that would fall from our ripe finder tips. you would yearn to hear the next note of wisdom from our blessed lips.

simple to say, you will come to the komb because you don't know how you'd manage without it.


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