Sunday, September 21, 2008

is anyone out there?

and if they were, would they really care? would they still be coming to this site? would this simply be some record dug up by archaeologists thousands of years in the future, leading to the conclusion that humans were a lazy and unintelligent race?

how could they dig up something from cyberspace? wow, the future truly is amazing.

speaking of the future, i think that a lot of it belongs to open source. there are some amazingly smart/talented people out there that program for the shear fun of it, and one hopes to be blessed by more fruits of their labors. one of the most recent delights i have been introduced to is the battle for wesnoth (also found here) l completely free and ridiculously addictive. seriously, i can play this till my eyes bleed (and i have...). remember civilization? remember how much time you spent saying 'one more turn'? remember how it got your computer privileges taken away as your grades plummet? remember how your wife forbid you to install/play it?

ya, this game is that good.

here's to hoping there are more posts about super sweet games.


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